Above all, in order to avoid bad thoughts, men must abstain from looking at women, and females must be careful not to look at men. I repeat the words of Job which I have frequently quoted. " I made a covenant with my eyes, that I would not so much as think upon a virgin." - Job, xxx. 1. He says that he made a covenant with his eys that he would not think. What do they eyes have to do with thinking? The eyes do not think; the mind alone thinks. But he had just reason to say, that he made a covenant with his eyes that he would not think on women; for St. Bernard says, that through the eyes the darts of impure love, which kills the soul, enter into the mind. "Per oculos intrat in mentem sagitta impuri amoris". Hence, the Holy Ghost says: "Turn away thy face from a woman dressed up" - Eccl., ix. 8. It is always dangerous to look at young persons elegantly dressed; and to look at them purposely and without a just cause, is, at least, a venial sin.
taken from the Sermons of Saint Alphonsus