16 February 2010

Penitential Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian

To be prayed daily on weekdays during the Holy Season of Lent:

O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk. (prostration)*

But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to thy servant. (prostration)

Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own errors, and not to judge my brother, for thou art blessed from all ages to all ages. Amen. (prostration)

Lord have mercy (12 times)

Repeat the prayer with only one prostration at the end.

*In Christianity, to make a prostration, make the Sign of the Cross, kneel down, touching your forehead to the ground and rise immediately. This is not the same prostration position that is used during Holy Orders.

04 February 2010

Prayer of Saint Madeleine-Sophie

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I hasten, I come to Thee! throwing myself into the arms of Thy tender mercy. Thou art my sure refuge, my unfailing and only hope. Thou hast a remedy for all my evils, relief for all my miseries, reparation for all my faults. Thou canst supply for what is wanting to me in order to obtain fully the graces that I ask for myself and others. Thou art for me the infallible, inexhaustible source of light, of strength, of perseverance, peace and consolation. I am certain, too, that Thou wilt never cease to aid, to protect, to love me, because Thy love for me, O Divine Heart, is infinite. Have mercy on me then, O Heart of Jesus, and on all that I recommend to Thee, according to Thine own mercy; and do with me, in me and for me, whatsoever Thou wilt, for I abandon myself to Thee with the full, entire confidence and conviction that Thou wilt never abandon me either in time or eternity. Amen.